Current projects and products

"Panadea" international tourist information and advertising website

  • Multilingual online guidebook / travel guide with tens of thousands of on photos and text content (travel destinations, sights and attractions mainly in Hungary, as well as some other European countries)
  • The advertising space is currently under development, our goal is to make it available soon

"Neuronit GS" compact universal database (GS = Generic System, formerly it was called "GeneSys")

  • Within the project we created a generalized database structure, indices (aka indexes), triggers and stored procedures. Using it together with the well-designed protocol everybody can perform even some quite serious tasks in a quick and effective way, without designing a special database for the task. And of course the data is stored safely.
  • The current implementation uses the Open Source Firebird SQL database engine, but it is relatively easy to port it to e.g. PostgreSQL or MySQL. On the top of it, it should be still possible to synchronize the data between the different versions.

For further information please contact us using the tool on the bottom of the page or by email.

Earlier or already terminated projects

  • "Neuronit Clipterminal": the software of interactive kiosks of the Warner Home Video
  • "Neuronit Infocenter": software for outdoor / indoor information kiosks or even for any desktop PC (with Windows operating system); it is derived from the Clipterminal
  • Demo of a planned resource controlling system software for the "Magyar Televízió" (Hungarian Television public television broadcasting organization)


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